Wednesday, September 24, 2008

my ecology class homework combined with my wit.

the witty parts are in a different colour.

okay let’s play SOIL JEOPARDY!!
25 September

Warning: this is not like real jeopardy. We pick the category and questions for our contestants and they are forced to answer.

The first category is SOIL EROSION.

Question one is worth 100 points. Let’s see how our contestants answer.
p.s. our contestants are all vegetables so they are going to have a hard time answering any of the questions correctly.

What are the three main causes of soil erosion?
The answer: water, wind, and ice (but really there are other agents that cause erosion also, these ones are just the most special)

Question two is now worth 200 points. The vegetable contestants only grumbled a little so, I wonder if they will have any response to this next question.

What are the affects of erosion?
The answer: Erosion reduces the amount of soil in an area and therefore limits the growth of plants. It also causes a loss of soil fertility by causing the removal of essential nutrients minerals and organic matter from the soil.

Question three is worth 300 points. We are not even paying attention to our contestants anymore. They are vegetables. They already know everything about soil because they LIVE IN IT (until they are sold and eaten).

What is the seriousness of soil erosion in the U.S.?
The answer: Approximately one-fifth of the U.S. cropland is considered vulnerable to soil erosion damage. The U.S. Department of Agriculture estimates that around 4.6 tons of soil are eroded from U.S. croplands and rangelands each year.

Question four is 400 points. I don’t understand why I continue to tell you this. You get the idea, and our contestants have already been escorted to the mouths of hungry audience members…I mean, they have been escorted home.

How do humans affect soil erosion?
The answer: Humans accelerate soil erosion with poor soil management practices. Humans accelerate soil erosion by removing natural plant communities during activities such as the construction of roads and buildings and by clearing large forested areas.

Question five, if you don’t know what this question is worth, then why are you even watching this retarded version of jeopardy? Obviously you have nothing better to do with your life.

How is water pollution related to soil erosion?
The answer: Water quality and fish habits are affected by sediment that runs into streams, rivers, and lakes. This is even worse if the sediment contains pesticide and fertilizer residue.

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