Sunday, November 22, 2009

the sense of sound.

Begin: 8:43 pm.

My iTunes is playing a Genius playlist of alternative and punk music. "Means + Ways" by Snow Patrol just finished playing. Now "Your New Twin Sized Bed" by Death Cab For Cutie begins.

My laptop hums. It's the fan. Sometimes it's louder, but now it is soft.

Parent voice is on the phone downstairs. I can't clearly hear anything being said. The voice sounds like one of those annoying bumble bees that buzzes past your ear during a picnic in the summer.

The dog growled. He's downstairs also. He was probably playing.

"Sam's Town" by The Killers just began on my iTunes.

My computer makes another sound. It's the sound of the hard drive relaying information back and forth. The sound is fairly constant, but when it stops, I notice.

My desk chair squeaks every time I lead back too far. Right now the sound is not that alarming, but when I'm up late finishing my homework and the house is quiet, the squeak seems ten times louder.

"You're All I Have" by Snow Patrol is playing.

My windows are open. My sister just got dropped off. "See you tomorrow!" The car door slams shut. Metal against metal racket of the garage door opening. The garage down goes back down, the door to the house swings shut. My sister's footsteps are coming down the hall, most likely to my room.

"Today" by Smashing Pumpkins.

My windows are open. There are SO many bugs. One makes a clicking sound: click click click click. Another sound goes on and on. A string of low chirping. The last distinct sound is definitely that of a cricket. The noise is higher-pitched than the rest and in an on and off constant pattern.

The air conditioning is on now. the cool air blows through the two vents in my room.

End: 9:15 pm.

entry: 16 september 2009

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