Monday, February 18, 2008

I Know Why I Am Young

i awoke at 9 am on February 16th, 2008. in other words, i woke up and was filled with so much excitement that i could hardly breathe. that night i would be going to a dance. a long awaited dance. my dress was red. i paced myself by painting my nails, hands and toes. the colour: fire! fire! red. the next few hours were spent wandering around my house. talking with my friends. they are the best of company.

i began to get ready around 2 pm. i took a shower. washed my hair. cleaned my face. the dress was saved for last. before putting it on however, my feet carried me down the street to assist my friend in the choosing of her dress for the evening. my friend is myFACE. returning home, i put on my dress. it made me feel invincible, beautiful and on top of the world. when i get dressed to go somewhere special, i have a particular routine. there is a playlist on my itunes that is titled "off the wall." this playlist contains 25 songs that make me happy, excited, full of energy. i listen to the music and dance like no one is watching (because no one is watching).

myFACE walked to my house. we were dressed and ready to leave. pictures were taken. my mother drove us 25 minutes to another house. this house belonged to bubble. bubble was hosting a pre-dance party for those who were planning to join our excitement. the total was fifteen: eleven girls and four boys. there were only two girls with dates. the rest of us were going as a group. everyone spoke and ate and laughed. then it was time for our departure.

our party was one of the first to arrive at the dance. those awkward first moments just standing, mingling, and screaming hello to acquaintances. but not to worry. the gym filled quickly.

allow me to explain my thoughts on dances:
the music is a story in its own. i am not a fan of rap. the dj did a particularly good job of the music selection though. there was an even balance between the rap and the classic dance songs: cotton-eye joe, don't stop believein', shout. i was also very pleased to hear holiday by green day.

i go for the atmosphere. the people. the behavior. the faces. i go for feeling of not being able to breathe. running outside only to freeze. getting jumping cramps and sore calves. losing my shoes in a conga line. screaming at the top of my lungs. holding my hands above my head with my eyes closed.
i go to see the happiness in those around me. familiar faces.

the last song of the night was shout. i was very appeased. at one point i was on my back completely flat on the ground. the night was only enhanced by the pouring rain as we ran back to our cars. we drove back to bubble's house in a daze of exhaustion and being slap-happy. i was victim to both.

we had been told by the boys that they were planning something for us. first i must explain something: three of the boys play guitar and are in a band. the girls were asked to wait in the basement. nanna came into the room wearing a black curly-haired wig, a white mask, and a kfc chicken bucket on his head. he looked ridiculous. he was handed his guitar. it was obvious that he couldn't see very well because of the mask. nanna played for us. I LOVED EVERY MINUTE OF IT. it was all improvisation. after he changed out of the ridiculousness, the boys had to leave bubble's house. by now, it was after 12 am.

along with four other girls, i spent the night at bubble's house. we watched 10 things i hate about you. and fell asleep one by one. i was the last to close my eyes. but before i did. i sat still and thought of my night. the people i had met. the things i had seen. the noise i heard. the way i smiled. the way i felt. these are the memories.

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