Saturday, December 29, 2007


Guitar Hero is THE BEST GAME I HAVE EVER PLAYED! I happen to be a game system deprived person: I've never had any type of Nintendo, PlayStation, Game Boy thing what so ever. This was true until last Christmas when my step-dad got a PS2, but even then I was still deprived. The poor thing was rarely touched and certainly not by my sister or me. It was only used to play golf-type games.

But this Christmas my sister asked for Guitar Hero III, and she actually got it! Of course I knew about it in advance, but when I did learn of this glorious present, my mouth was on the floor. I was very stunned by my mother.

Now the PS2 is up and running, and I am thoroughly enjoying it. On a scale of 1 to 10, my social status has flown from a 4 to a 1. Today I spent 4 hours ROCKING with the legend of Slash as my guitarist. My hands were literally numb afterwards.

By the way, the songs are AWESOME!

Photograph taken by JEM.

Monday, December 17, 2007

death cab for cutie: i'll follow you into the dark

love of mine
some day you will die
but i'll be close behind
i'll follow you into the dark
no blinding light
or tunnels to gates of white
just our hands clasped so tight
waiting for the hint of a spark

if heaven and hell decide
that they both are satisfied
illuminate the NOs
on their vacancy signs
if there's no one beside you
when your soul embarks
then i'll follow you into the dark

in catholic school as vicious as roman rule
i got my knuckles bruised
by a lady in black
and i held my tongue
as she told me “son
fear is the heart of love"
so I never went back

if heaven and hell decide
that they both are satisfied
illuminate the NOs
on their vacancy signs
if there's no one beside you
when your soul embarks
then i'll follow you into the dark

you and me
have seen everything to see
from bangkok to calgary
and the soles of your shoes
are all worn down
the time for sleep is now
it's nothing to cry about
cause we'll hold each other soon
the blackest of rooms

if heaven and hell decide
that they both are satisfied
illuminate the NOs
on their vacancy signs
if there's no one beside you
when your soul embarks
then i'll follow you into the dark

then i'll follow you into the dark

this is my favourite song. i love it because it's a love song in disguise. i would be impressed if any boy played it for me. this song was in the movie "The Invisible." i went to see that movie with one of my best friends on the day before my birthday. afterwards, we sat out on my drive way eating ice cream staring at the moon and stars and listening to this song on repeat. it was one of those defining "i'm supposed to be here" moments. i was happy.
i'm hoping that, after reading the lyrics, you will realize someone thinks of you. and loves you.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

The End of the First

Beginning on September 20th, every Wednesday night at 7:00 I'd been watching CBS's new reality show, KID NATION. At first sight of the two-month-in-advance commercials, I immediately thought, "Are they serious? This show is NOT going to work." I had never planned on watching that first premiere episode, but when September 20th came around, I didn't have a good reason not to.

So I watched the premiere episode of Kid Nation. My reaction was the absolute opposite of what I had thought earlier. I LOVED IT. The kids were so interesting (props to CBS audition people). Let me just mention a few of them:

GREG: 15. The oldest kid there and if I don't say so...not all that bad looking either. He ended up on the third and final town council.

ZACH: 11. Really insightful kid with an intriguing voice. He was definitely one of my favourite kids throughout the entire run. He was on the second council and won the last gold star ($20,000).

SOPHIA: 14. Her mind deserves ample praise. She gave the impression of being resourceful and very intelligent. She was awarded the first gold star and one of the last gold stars (last ones were worth $50,000). She earned her reward.

MICHAEL: 15 (He had his birthday on the show). I absolutely loved this kid. That is not an exaggeration. He also came across as very intelligent, and when he talked, it always seemed that he knew what he was talking about. He was also on the final town council. I bet anything he's either an earth or an air element. My guess is that he's a Capricorn, but my only problem is I don't know when the episodes were filmed.

I shortly developed an obsession and re-watched the first episode at least six more times before the airing of the second episode. The next Wednesday night, I was eagerly waiting for episode number two and was so excited that I almost had difficulty breathing. My facination slowly died down though, and I became a normal viewer. As I watched from week to week, I couldn't help but notice the obvious tampering by CBS (they would not have just dumped 40 kids out in the middle of New Mexico without some supervision). It annoyed me, but I lived with it.

HOWEVER, I was disheartened, yesterday, when I realized that I was going to be watching the very last episode of Kid Nation. I had become fond of many of the kids, and it was hard to believe that I would never seem them again. It was like I was a part of the freaking show!! I watched the final episode and smiled almost all the way through it (especially at the part when the kids were reunited with their parents). It was sad to see the end.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


I'm going to quote my favourite person in the entire universe. Get ready for it:

"A lot of people, when they talk to me, I can't wait for them to shut up. Like, shut up. you're a moron. They have nothing to say, you know?"
--Billie Joe Armstrong

This is EXACTALLY how I’ve been feeling this week. I'll be having a conversation with someone (not necessarily a person I don't like, they could be a person I really like), and the entire time I’ll be thinking, "Why are you even talking to me? Your words do not need to be heard by me at this moment. Just stop." The human race is extremely annoying me lately.

I have another example:

I watched the Nightly News on NBC with Brian Williams tonight, and they had an "Our Planet" story about how Antarctica is becoming warmer due to the CO2 emissions and that it is affecting the cute emperor penguins. I have one thing to say...I TOLD YOU SO! IT'S ABOUT TIME YOU FIGURED THIS OUT!

I lied. That was two things.
And: quote courtesy of

Friday, December 7, 2007

A Place Profound

I want to go to China Town. Where people places excitement is all year round. Scenes to satisfy my eyes. Shops to buy my friends a surprise.
I want to go to China Town.

I want to go to China Town. My senses filled with buzzing sounds. Delicate objects may be antique. Women and children with tinny tiny feet.
I want to go to China Town.

I want to go to China Town. A place happy faces can be found. Tastes of cookies cakes and tea. A kimono of red is waiting for me.
I want to go to China Town.

I want to go to China Town. Bad luck is turned upside down. Fortunes are advice given. To help make life a little more worth livin.
I want to go to China Town.


Wednesday, December 5, 2007

32 Degrees

It snowed this morning!! The first official snow of the season. The weird weather has been paying off (it was around 60 only a few weeks ago). As the snow was falling, I was sitting in my Spanish class. At first it looked like rain. Then it got slightly heavier and could actually be identified as snow. After two seconds, it stopped. The weather must stop the taunting!! I've been waiting for winter for too long to be fooled now!!

The clouds have also been in extremely strange patterns...or shapes or whatever you call them. If you stand on my porch and look south, there is somewhat of an illusion; the clouds look like they are in two separate parts. The top part is much more grey than the bottom, and in between there is a white stripe that spans all across the sky. Because of the way the clouds are positioned, the sky looks like it's on fire when the sun sets. I don't want to call it beautiful because that word is SO overused. I'll call it...spectacular. Somehow that word reminds me of the stars. Oh well. But I'm sad to realize that we will not be witnessing a spectacular sunset today. The clouds are far too thick.

And I guess that means that I won't be seeing the stars tonight either. Not that I see that many on a regular basis...due to all the wasteful people and their light pollution. I'm surprised the Earth doesn't look like a giant cloud of smoke in pictures taken from space.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Ludicrous Letters Lure

Wonder water waiter weather win
Words with no meaning tether the ties
Between bottoms below besides
In image we see what lies lowly life

To bring to bye to beg
Universal in ways unknown to most
Dangerous destructive denied
The truthful telling turns
From fear following close

Slithering smiles swiftly
Across gleaming eyes
Cautious chaos causes
Nothing near neutral narcissists

Peace possibly ponders
Among amiable amenders
wait for it.

one of the many short pieces that emerge from my mind. i began this a while ago but just found it again and finished it.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Story of My Life

I recently developed a major interest in Social Distortion (and for those of you who don't know, "Story of My Life" is one of their songs). The reason I decided to try listening to them was because of this book I read. Hairstyles of the Damned by Joe Meno. IT IS THE BEST BOOK I'VE EVER READ. And I read a lot of books. The story revolved around the life of this kid named Brian Oswald who was in love with his best friend Gretchen. The time period was 1990 - 1991, and there were SO many music references. It was insane, and I was loving it. That book is also the reason I love AC/DC and Guns N' Roses. I guess I just hadn't gotten around to seeing what Social Distortion was like. But a couple days ago I had this YouTube urge, and I had no clue of what video to watch. I think I had some kind of revelation because Social Distortion just floated into my mind. I searched it and watched "Story of My Life," "Ball and Chain," and some other good ones. I was literally sitting in my chair with my mouth open. Where the heck have I been?? In a hole?? It was GOOD stuff. I'm the kind of person who likes a little background info. So I googled Social D. and got some info off of Wikipedia. It said they were one of the bands that led the punk revolution in the early 80's. That made me happy. I like to know the music I listen to had some impact on history. I am also glad that I can proudly say I listen to ACTUAL music. Not all that rap stuff with one obnoxious beat and lyrics that require you to be a drug dealer-pimp to relate with.