Tuesday, December 11, 2007


I'm going to quote my favourite person in the entire universe. Get ready for it:

"A lot of people, when they talk to me, I can't wait for them to shut up. Like, shut up. you're a moron. They have nothing to say, you know?"
--Billie Joe Armstrong

This is EXACTALLY how I’ve been feeling this week. I'll be having a conversation with someone (not necessarily a person I don't like, they could be a person I really like), and the entire time I’ll be thinking, "Why are you even talking to me? Your words do not need to be heard by me at this moment. Just stop." The human race is extremely annoying me lately.

I have another example:

I watched the Nightly News on NBC with Brian Williams tonight, and they had an "Our Planet" story about how Antarctica is becoming warmer due to the CO2 emissions and that it is affecting the cute emperor penguins. I have one thing to say...I TOLD YOU SO! IT'S ABOUT TIME YOU FIGURED THIS OUT!

I lied. That was two things.
And: quote courtesy of IMDB.com

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