Wednesday, December 5, 2007

32 Degrees

It snowed this morning!! The first official snow of the season. The weird weather has been paying off (it was around 60 only a few weeks ago). As the snow was falling, I was sitting in my Spanish class. At first it looked like rain. Then it got slightly heavier and could actually be identified as snow. After two seconds, it stopped. The weather must stop the taunting!! I've been waiting for winter for too long to be fooled now!!

The clouds have also been in extremely strange patterns...or shapes or whatever you call them. If you stand on my porch and look south, there is somewhat of an illusion; the clouds look like they are in two separate parts. The top part is much more grey than the bottom, and in between there is a white stripe that spans all across the sky. Because of the way the clouds are positioned, the sky looks like it's on fire when the sun sets. I don't want to call it beautiful because that word is SO overused. I'll call it...spectacular. Somehow that word reminds me of the stars. Oh well. But I'm sad to realize that we will not be witnessing a spectacular sunset today. The clouds are far too thick.

And I guess that means that I won't be seeing the stars tonight either. Not that I see that many on a regular basis...due to all the wasteful people and their light pollution. I'm surprised the Earth doesn't look like a giant cloud of smoke in pictures taken from space.

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