Sunday, December 2, 2007

Story of My Life

I recently developed a major interest in Social Distortion (and for those of you who don't know, "Story of My Life" is one of their songs). The reason I decided to try listening to them was because of this book I read. Hairstyles of the Damned by Joe Meno. IT IS THE BEST BOOK I'VE EVER READ. And I read a lot of books. The story revolved around the life of this kid named Brian Oswald who was in love with his best friend Gretchen. The time period was 1990 - 1991, and there were SO many music references. It was insane, and I was loving it. That book is also the reason I love AC/DC and Guns N' Roses. I guess I just hadn't gotten around to seeing what Social Distortion was like. But a couple days ago I had this YouTube urge, and I had no clue of what video to watch. I think I had some kind of revelation because Social Distortion just floated into my mind. I searched it and watched "Story of My Life," "Ball and Chain," and some other good ones. I was literally sitting in my chair with my mouth open. Where the heck have I been?? In a hole?? It was GOOD stuff. I'm the kind of person who likes a little background info. So I googled Social D. and got some info off of Wikipedia. It said they were one of the bands that led the punk revolution in the early 80's. That made me happy. I like to know the music I listen to had some impact on history. I am also glad that I can proudly say I listen to ACTUAL music. Not all that rap stuff with one obnoxious beat and lyrics that require you to be a drug dealer-pimp to relate with.


Yarsian said...

nice to see you in the blogosphere! Thanks for the comment.

MinxFlamedancer said...

You have me intrigued... now I must go google Social Distortion too....