Saturday, January 23, 2010

My Life in Flames: A Dream

note: this is the fourth very vivid dream I've had about Billie Joe Armstrong/Green Day. In these dreams, Billie Joe is there in person and there is interaction between us always.

I was waiting outside my house with my friend Catherine. There was no indication of what we were waiting for. Billie Joe showed up in a van. I twas Billie Joe himself, but he was more of a teenager, like in the Dookie days. Catherine took lots of pictures of us.

The next scene, Catherine was gone. Billie Joe was still in my house but not with me - I could still feel his presence. I was awoken from my sleep by a very loud crack. My windows were open, and the noise came from outside. I got up to look out my window. I saw the house at the end corner of the street. It was summer, but there were Christmas lights on one of the hedges in front of the house. The loud crack was the sound of one of the light bulbs breaking.
The hedge caught fire from the electricity.

The fire was small, but soon the whole house was burning. Somehow the fire traveled in a line, like gunpowder or gasoline in a movie, up the street to my house. I was trying to tell my mom our house was on fire. She wasn't listening. The fire was getting closer as I stared out my window. I was so scared.

All of a sudden, my mom yelled for us to get out of the house. Everyone went outside quickly, but I was frantically gathering stuff in my room that I wanted to keep safe. The most important thin was my American Idiot CD. I grabbed it and ran outside. I was screaming because I didn't want my room to be burned and ruined.

By this point, our whole house was on fire. Billie Joe was outside with us. He was trying to hold me back and calm me down. I was shaking with anger and screaming and crying. I think I was blaming my mom for not listening to me and letting this happen.

entry: 2 October 2009

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