Saturday, January 23, 2010

What Am I Inspired By?

people who have a lot of self-motivation. that is one thing I am severely lacking.

the color green. it is bright and beautiful and full of life. trees are green, and trees are wonderful.

dancers. "are we human or are we dancers?" - the killers. I always sit in awe at my friends' dance recitals. watching the difficult steps being performed with ease. I know the work it took to get to that point, and I appreciate the talent.

Jackson Pollock. american artist. creator of some of the most beautiful, mysterious art I've ever seen. splatter paint. mixed colors. dramatic canvases.

the moon holds me captive.

Billie Joe Armstrong. his past, where he came from, how he got here. No one knows Green Day like I know Green Day, at least no one I've met so far.

Fairies. fantastical creatures. delicate and cunning. you had better watch your back.

the month of October inspires me. all things to do with autumn inspire me. pumpkins and folklore. transformations. change.

Hairstyles of the Damned. Joe Meno. the best young adult fiction novel I have ever read.

the vastness of space. We, as humans, do not and will never comprehend how infinitesimal we are on our planet Earth.

the voice of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to know what peace is about...

flowers. a vague statement, but there are so many flowers in so many situations that I cannot possibly narrow it down to one phrase. just the word.

confident smiles. not the egotistical "I'm better than you" smiles. the ones on the faces of

the Rocky Mountains. Mt. Evans. Colorado. breathing cool, clean air. feeling on top of the world. literally being on top of the world.

entry: 28 September 2009

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